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Aditya Birla Money Limited

Aditya Birla Money Limited

Quantum Digital Vision India Ltd

Quantum Digital Vision India Limited (Formerly known Quantum Industries (India) Limited) was originally promoted by S S Poddar as Ceeta Springs & Steels Pvt Ltd in Apr.'80. The Company was acquired by the present promoter - Himalay Dassani in 1994. It converted into a public limited company in 1986. The Company is engaged in manufacturing of Spring Leaves and assembles, polymer bags, TV Serial and trading in Medicine items at Attipattu, Tamilnadu unit.

The Company commenced commercial production of laminated leaf springs in 1984. It renamed as 'Quantum Digital Vision India Ltd' in view of its foray into media, entertainment and IT related services during 1999-2000.

The unit has an installed capacity of 2400 tpa of leaf springs. The product is marketed under the Ceeta brand name. In 1995, the company undertook a project to increase the installed capacity of the laminated leaf springs to 3000 tpa and also to set up a 100% EOU in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, to manufacture polymer bags with a capacity of 2500 tpa. The project was financed through a public issue made by the company in Mar.'95. The location of the project was changed to Silli, Silvassa, due to which the project is getting delayed. The company has a marketing arrangement with Exim, US, an international marketing organisation dealing in plastics, metals and chemicals. As per the arrangement, the company's products will be marketed by Exim in the US.

As a part of Diversification the Company got into media industry by obtaining industrial status from GOI. To provide contents and Software to Satellite channels, it started operating separate division and this division thereafter undertook production of Serials, episodes, Sop-operas with major channels like Sahara and others.