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Aditya Birla Money Limited

Aditya Birla Money Limited

S Kumars Online Ltd

S Kumars Online Ltd., formerly known as S. Kumars.Com Ltd (SKC) was incorporated in May 1999 as a private limited company named S. Kumar.Com Pvt. Ltd. and consequently converted into a public limited company in Aug.'99. SKC is the infotech thrust of the S. Kumars Group. The primary mission of this venture is to take technology to the common man. It will do so by setting up a nationwide network to facilitate e-commerce.

SKC now invites the trading community to participate in the e-defining of business that this network will offer. This project will create new opportunities for the business and trading community and will also prove beneficial to all concerned - the consumer, the trader, the producer, and the shareholders of this company.

The company aims to carry on the business of Information Technology, telecommunications, communication systems, satellites, computer hardware, networking, e-commerce and generally all business related to computers, computing and information technology both in India and overseas including manufacturing, trading, exporting, importing, designing, research & development, patenting, experimenting, etc.

In order to set up this network, SKC plans to use VSATs that will eventually enable the remotest and smallest of villages in India to have access to urban centres and the world. The project thus overcomes the constraints of inadequate cable infrastructure, shortage of personal computers and validation of transactions which are critical for e-commerce to flourish.

The total project outlay is estimated at Rs 1,000 crore in phase I (1008 towns & cities).

The company also proposes to set up a network of computers which will be connected to the World Wide Web (Internet) for the dealers and franchisees of the S.Kumars Group of Companies. This will equip them with e-mail facilities, offer business schemes for speedier placement of orders through CGI scripted forms and provide intranet facilities to the dealers/franchisees.